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News: Travelocity’s new brand campaign urges consumers to ‘go and smell the roses’

December 27, 2013 • admin

Travelocity has launched a brand new brand campaign highlighted by five new tv ads featuring the Roaming Gnome and a brand new call to action for consumers: “Go & Smell the Roses.”

“’Go & Smell the Roses’ is greater than a tagline in an advertising campaign, it’s a rally cry,” said Bradley Wilson, chief marketing officer, Travelocity North America. “With this new campaign we’re using our strongest asset, the long-lasting Roaming Gnome, to inspire and instigate people to get off the couch, to move and smell the roses.”

The tv ads featuring “Go & Smell the Roses” will begin airing this week during primetime programing on each of the major television networks. Each will showcase a unique a part of the realm, delivering rich appearance. They’re as follows:

Bulls: The Roaming Gnome is dropped right into a scene from the realm famous running of the bulls in Pamplona, Spain. He says, “Here’s a thought: You’ll never survive the running of the bulls unless you attend the running of the bulls.”
Paint: The Roaming Gnome finds himself being handed off from one person to a better on the Holi Festival in India. He says, “Contrary to popular belief, watching paint dry can actually be fun – but you’ve got to be there to enjoy it.”
Beach: The Roaming Gnome becomes one with a sand sculpture. He says, “Sparkly water and pure white sand might not get you off your couch but there’s not a creature in the world that could resist this.”
Exotic Couch: The Roaming Gnome takes in an impressive alpine view on a ski lift: He says, “You is probably interested to grasp that other countries have couches exactly like ours.”
Email: The Roaming Gnome encourages everyone to not be dragged down by the mundane tasks of daily life like checking email, cutting the grass and preparing spreadsheets. He says, “Less couch-y, more beach-y.”

“’Go’ is the operative word,” Wilson said. “And we mean ‘go’ anywhere whether that could be a weekend road trip, a family event, or a once-in-a-lifetime adventure akin to those the Roaming Gnome is fortunate enough to take.”
