If you are due to fly out to the Egyptian tourist resort in the next few days, then you will need to follow Foreign Office advice and recommendations carefully and make sure that you are up to date with current news.
At the moment, tour operators and holiday companies have been told to delay all in-bound and returning flights into the resort, until British Security experts have had the opportunity to assess the security and safety procedures at the airport. This decision has come about due to the downing of a Russian Airbus over the Sinai Desert on October 31st which is thought to have now been caused by an on-flight bomb on board. The Foreign Office currently advises against all but essential travel to Sharm el Sheikh Airport. Many tour operators, like Monarch, have cancelled all flights until November 12th and will await further advice. For those scheduled to leave the resort, British tourists have experienced chaotic scenes and lengthy delays, some as long as 2 to 3 days, before they have been allowed to proceed through security to board returning flights.
If you are thinking of cancelling your holiday, you will need to be aware that your travel operator is only obliged to refund all payments if the Foreign Office officially advises against all travel to an area. Some airlines or travel companies are offering refunds or alternative arrangements but they are under no legal obligation to do so as yet. You would be well advised to contact your tour operator or airline for advice on travel.