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Bahamas $80 million dollar shark tourism industry grows again

May 23, 2013 • admin

Safe shark diving is nice for tourism; a live shark could be worth “tens of thousands of dollars” when compared with the “hundreds” that may be made by selling its fins. With that during mind an enterprising team of industry experts have created the world’s first educational dockside shark diving site at the small island of Bimini, Bahamas to assist dispel myths and misconceptions of sharks.

Bimini Bull Run is headquartered on the Bimini Big Game Club, a 30 minute flight from the South Florida and a legendary outpost for fishermen, host to varied major sport fishing tournaments for greater than half a century. At this marina Bull Sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) have regularly visited because the time Hemmingway called Big Game home searching for fresh fish scraps from cleaning tables.

A spokesperson for the location said: “We’re very excited with a view to offer someday guaranteed shark encounters with this completely unique and misunderstood shark species. Sharks are under siege all over and we’ve found that positive encounters with sharks change attitudes and mind sets taking into account the continuing preservation of those animals in ways in which negative encounters cannot accomplish and for us safety is prime. We built an oversized infrastructure to maintain sharks and those safe, it’s a wholly new operation that enables divers, non divers, and movie and television productions a singular place to come across them of their natural habitat.”

Bimini Bull Run is a commercial concept endorsed and supported by the Shark-Free Marinas Initiative and the Bahamas Film Commission. Bimini Bull Runs specially designed cage systems are attached to purpose built docks that let divers, non divers, filmmakers, and underwater photographers access this unique and thrilling underwater world.


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