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Brits on holiday throw caution to the wind

May 5, 2013 • admin

Following the outbreak of violence at the island of Borneo a brand new poll from Holiday Extras recently asked customers whether or not they could be do away with by an adverse piece of stories coverage at their chosen holiday destination.

And the survey revealed that holidaymakers pay less attention to warnings about their safety than expected.
While the Foreign Office is advising travellers to stick faraway from Borneo, over a 1/2 intrepid men said that trouble within the sun wouldn’t hinder their travel plans in any respect. Only 34 per cent of fellows said that a significant incident or crime would stop them from holidaying wherever they wanted.

Women were more cautious, with 51 per cent admitting that bad news a few country or resort can be enough to lead them to change their plans to go to that destination.

15 per cent of Holiday Extras customers declared that they’d avoid a resort for a year if it were negatively reported inside the news and 43 per cent said that they might avoid a destination for as much as six months.

There will be no going back for 11 per cent of these polled, who said that they’d never book a vacation at that place once it have been perceived as dangerous.

Andrea Clayton, Head of Insurance at Holiday Extras commented: “ The result of this poll show how positive British people feel about their travels on the earth – and it is a impressive thing.

“Keep in mind, wherever you go on holiday and however daring you need to be so that you can always follow advice from the Foreign Office.  Just remember to have adequate travel insurance and don’t underestimate the quilt that you can require wherever you go.

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