The promotion of Welsh tourism is under the remit of the Welsh Government. However, this week, Welsh Conservatives have called for the promotion of tourism in the principality to be put under the control of the tourist industry, suggesting that “Visit Wales” should be an independent body led by people who are at the sharp end of the tourist industry themselves. “Visit Wales”, set up by the Welsh Government in 2006, after the closure of the Welsh Tourist Board, has had some success but Welsh Conservatives have criticised its risk-adverse nature and say it is stifled by bureaucracy. Improvements had been noted after the appointment of a panel of tourism experts and Conservatives feel that these people and others like them should be “running it for themselves”
In the meantime, tourism figures for Wales have shown a huge rise in the number of people visiting Wales for barge and boating holidays or visiting on cruise ships. There has been a marked increase in the number of cruise ships docking in Holyhead and in ports on Anglesey, bringing extra money into the local areas.