Abdin Nasralla, project consultant for Meydan Group, was named president of the primary Arab Council of Hotels & Resorts.
Here Breaking Travel News sits right down to discuss the ambitions of the project before its launch later this year.
Breaking Travel News: Could you bring our readers up-to-date with the role of the Arabic Council for Hotels & Resorts What are its principal ambitions
Abdin Nasralla: The Arab Council for Hotels & Resorts aims to advertise Arab hospitality, create an Arab hospitality standard with a rating system and create a closed network membership for hotels to share statistics, purchasing power, reservation systems and human resources programmes.
The body also seeks to advertise the Arab world as a destination, drive cross tourism between countries, encourage new tourism investment opportunities and support Arab countries of their look for in international recognition.
BTN: When will the body begin operations How will its success be measured
AN: The Arab Council for Hotels & Resorts have been announced and is currently in setup phase.
We aim to finalise the appointment of the board of directors shortly. Given the magnitude of the project and the wide scope – covering 22 countries, including thousands of hotels and millions of employees – we’re moving as quickly as possible. Because the saying goes ‘measure twice; cut once’.
We are putting an effective effort to be fully operational in a couple of months.
AN: Our success could be measured by the collection of member hotels and chains which participate; we’re confident that management companies will seek this membership without hesitation; to exploit the offerings and market advancement.
BTN: Do you’re feeling the support offered by the governments of the center East to the tourism sector is a major factor in its continued growth.
AN: Absolutely; tourism plays a very important role within the Arab world.
We contribute significantly to employment, supply chain, and foreign direct investment as an industry.
Tourism must stay supported by the governments to look growth inside the coming years.
BTN: Which destinations within the Middle East do you spot having the best impact on tourism over the subsequent decade
AN: The following decade might be interesting to look at; tourism will play an increasingly important role within the Arab economies.
We see Dubai and Abu-Dhabi within the forefront of the race; North Africa will certainly see good years ahead due to the continued projects and the stunning beaches.
Saudi might be a winner and a frontrunner in family internal tourism. The Levant area is likewise promising given the political situation stabilises.
BTN: What challenges do you spot for tourism within the Middle East within the post Arab Spring environment
AN: The major challenge is stability within the region, together with innovation within the available products and maintaining a healthy room rate.
These are our main concerns for the fast term.
We hope to create workshops and seminars so as to address these challenges.
Interview: Chris O’Toole