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News: Norwegian launches Fort Lauderdale flights out of Oslo

November 19, 2015 • admin

Norwegian has launched Fort Lauderdale, Florida, as a brand new destination from Oslo. 

This is the airline’s third long-haul destination from Oslo Gardermoen (OSL), making Norwegian the most important operator of direct long-haul routes from Norway’s main airport.

“Long-haul flying has too long been characterized by high fares and restricted flexibility.

“The great reception Norwegian has received after launching low-fare tickets to Manhattan and Bangkok shows that there’s a need for competitive fares from Scandinavia to the u. s. and Asia,” said chief executive Bjørn Kjos.

“We’re planning several new direct long-haul routes, enabling not just Scandinavians to experience all of the world, but in addition giving foreign visitors easy and affordable access to the Nordic region,” Kjos said.

Norwegian launched Bangkok and Manhattan in November 2012; moreover the corporate flies to Dubai in the course of the winter season. 

Norwegian will operate two weekly flights between Oslo Gardermoen (OSL) and Fort Lauderdale (FLL) – on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Departure from OSL is at 15:10, arriving FLL at 19:30 local time.

Departure from FLL is on Mondays and Fridays at 21:30, arriving at OSL at 12:35 tomorrow.

The inaugural flight is on November 30th.

In addition to the direct routes from OSL to Fort Lauderdale, Bangkok and The big apple, Norwegian operates direct routes to Fort Lauderdale from Stockholm and Copenhagen and to Big apple and Bangkok from Stockholm.

The company has a complete of six weekly flights from Scandinavia to Ny, Bangkok and Fort Lauderdale.

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