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News: ticket booking data revelas “untethered” mobile-equipped traveler

August 19, 2016 • Alicia

They’re younger than their desktop brethren, and lots of them don’t need to be tethered to pre-set, round-trip flight itineraries.  That’s what present in its latest study of airline ticket booking trends among travelers equipped with iOS, Android and other mobile devices.

The airline tickets data is analogous to what saw in earlier studies of hotel reservation trends and paints an image of a mobile device-equipped consumer whose travel booking practices and preferences are very different from travelers who plan their trips using desktop computers and laptops.

“Mobile-equipped consumers are what we call ‘untethered’ travelers,” said’s Travel Ekspert Brian Ek.  “They desire to create their travel experiences at the fly, as opposed to follow itineraries planned far ahead.  Hotels are usually chosen towards check-in day (even at the same day), and plenty bookings are made while at the road or after arrival on the town.  Mobile-equipped travelers are inclined to book their airline tickets somewhat closer-in than desktop users. And the alternative of 1-way tickets allows mobile travelers to regulate their length of stay or even return from yet another city.”’s study of airline ticket booking activity among mobile-equipped travelers found that:
*  Mobile air bookers averaged 32 years of age, or six years younger than the common desktop air booker;
*  Almost half mobile air bookers booked one-way tickets, and
*  Mobile air bookers paid less for his or her tickets (average $283) when compared with desktop users (average $315).


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