Focus: Gamification boosts OTT’s eLearning engagement by 65%
New OTT website sees 65% increase in agent engagement* Gamification key to growth OTT re-launched its website in November 2012 focussing on improving the user experience to encourage greater user engagement. One of the most important new elements was the launch of ‘OTT Achievements’ where members are encouraged to ‘earn’ virtual badges by undertaking particular training activity. Examples include the ‘OTT Newbie’ badge (for passing 1 course), ‘OTT Guru’ (for passing 100 courses) & ‘Eur-reka!”” badge for completing 5 European training courses. The sort of feature may be which is called ‘Gamification’. Five months on, OTT has reviewed the effect of the brand new features including OTT Achievements and may report that the hot website has led to a normal increase of 65% in user engagement with some clients benefitting...
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